By Rex Morgan
Around 30 enthusiastic members from throughout New Zealand gathered at Willowhaven Holiday Park in Nongotaha for a Retreat with the theme “Being About the Father's Business”. Willowhaven is a campsite located in a serene and tranquil setting right on the shore of Lake Rotorua, only 10 minutes’ drive from the bustling city of Rotorua.
Our visiting speaker, Martin Bailey, an experienced business mentor and coach from Melbourne, brought the theme to life with four insightful and entertaining sessions spread over four days.
The opening session was built around a TED talk by Brené Brown on vulnerability, an essential quality for real connection with others. In the second session, Martin split us into groups to consider the question “What is our Father's business?” God is involved in saving all of mankind, bringing all people into his Kingdom, because he loves all of us. We have the priceless opportunity of participating in his “business” by joining him in sharing the gospel and making disciples. This involves getting out into the community and forging new connections and relationships.
With this in mind, our first activity was to visit various charity shops, including the local Men’s Shed, to experience what it is like to volunteer to help in the community. Members were able to talk to longtime active volunteers who were eager to explain how important volunteering was for them and how it had changed their lives.
In the next session, members split into groups to discuss the lessons behind some of the parables of Jesus and how we can apply them in our everyday lives. The feedback highlighted the point that many of the parables bring out the same themes: the extravagance of God's love, the value and worth of all people, and the importance of taking on God's nature of forgiveness and love.
The final session focused on the way that we are the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world”, so “rivers of living water” should flow out from us. Participants discussed these passages in groups and reported back their insights. Martin ended his presentations by leading us in a rousing song emphasising the statement in 2 Timothy 1:7 that the Holy Spirit is a spirit of power and a sound mind, rather than of timidity and fear.
Evening activities included a film night, featuring the Robin Williams movie “Patch Adams”, which exemplified some of the principles covered in the sessions. David and Marilyn Wong hosted a lively games evening, including charades and a “beetle drive”. There was also an evening barbeque, and a stimulating quiz night presented by Anthony Daly.
Thanks are due to many members who contributed to the success of the Retreat. Dagmar Barnes and Sue Richards did a sterling job in the kitchen, catering for our food needs and providing scrumptious suppers every night. Lianne and William Trevarthen ensured the PA system ran as well as possible. Brian Barnes led the prayer group that met at the beginning of each day. Phil Baldwin coordinated the music and worship, Dennis Richards coordinated the Retreat and Peter Lindop, our Rotorua minister, served as Assistant Coordinator and tied up many loose ends.
The Retreat concluded with an inspiring Sunday service. Alison Dady led worship, with Phil Baldwin on the keyboard, and Anthony Dady presented a couple of items on the flute. We viewed a video report on Dr Eugene Guzon's recent visit to the Masterton Church. Anthony Dady's sermon, “From Hebrews to He-brews”, focused on passages from Hebrews 1 and 2 and encouraged the members with practical examples of how to be about our Father's business, such as inviting neighbours for a community afternoon tea or a family fun day, serving soup and bread rolls to homeless people, and so on. “What are you doing already that you can make more missional?” Anthony asked. If our lives are completely given over to Jesus, we can expect wonderful things to happen. Anything is possible with God!
After leading a communion service, Dennis Richards presented a gift of thanks to guest speaker Martin Bailey, a ceramic sculpture ornament symbolising eternal friendship, love and loyalty. Then he presented Rex Morgan with a magnificent greenstone fishhook ornament and a certificate to honour his 50 years of service to the NZ Church. Rex began serving in the Auckland office in late 1974.
The sessions and Sunday service were zoomed live, and a number of members around the country tuned into these.
The church trustees stayed on for an afternoon Board meeting followed by dinner together, bringing to an end a very enjoyable and profitable event, which we hope will bear much fruit as we move forward together being about our Father's business.
