BEYOND Covid-19
During "lockdown" our Church services were suspended for several weeks. Physical services have now resumed in the main but we continue to offer online services as this has proved beneficial for our scattered membership. Currently online services are on the first Sunday of each month, at 2.00pm.
Check out this video for a sample service. This is a recording of our online service held on 5 March 2023.
During the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, we had at least one service online each week. This was through a Zoom meeting, with a video of the service posted online afterwards. We are continuing with online services and once a month these will replace physical meetings. There may be additional meetings and details will be on our website.
If you get an invite via email, all you need to do is click on that link at the appointed time to attend the service, and enter the password (provided via email and phone). What you may want to do the first time is click on the link 10 minutes before the meeting starts and check whether you can hear the audio, and if you have a microphone on your computer, whether that is working as well. There will be a popup asking you to download the Zoom software to your computer, so please accept the prompt to install the software. While you can watch online without downloading the software, it is not as good, or as trouble-free as using the software. Those with a smartphone will be prompted to download the app. If you want to try testing how this works at another time please follow the instructions on this page to join a test meeting: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115002262083-Joining-a-test-meeting
For those without a computer or a smartphone, the invitation extended to you will have a New Zealand phone number to ring. At the moment we have either an Auckland number or Wellington number to call (if you are outside of these calling areas toll charges will apply, depending on your own phone calling plan). Then you need to enter the meeting ID (using a touch tone phone). You should ensure that your phone is muted after dialing in. There are verbal instructions on the phone call telling you how to do this.
We may not be able to offer worship in song online, but we will give you a list of suggested songs that we think would fit with the week's messages.
In-person gatherings
Our congregations are now able to meet together in person: Our gatherings may be cancelled at short notice if there are people with illnesses or venue restrictions.
Please be considerate of those in our gatherings who may be vulnerable and respect their personal space. Please do not attend gatherings if you are unwell.
How can you now serve?
In these uncertain times, there are many ways you can serve the Church.
Prayer is so important right now. Keep on encouraging one another. We need to stay connected, and support one another. Make sure you have the contact phone numbers and addresses of family and friends. Reach out, from a distance, to your neighbours, and have some way to alert someone if you are unwell or need help in any way. Send cards and letters of encouragement to one another. Offer some surplus baking or garden produce to your neighbours. Share helpful ideas and tips with each other.

Stay up-to-date with our weekly updates
Your local pastor or pastoral team will endeavour to keep you up to date with any news by sending regular emails. For those who don't have email, they will send the material by post. We'll also try to keep in touch with you by phone from time to time. We hope all of us will make a special effort to reach out to one another by making phone calls or sending texts or emails, so that no one feels cut off or isolated and so that we can continue to strengthen one another as we traverse an uncertain world.