Hi there! Last weekend's Refresher Programme at Waikanae went extremely well. Click here for a report on the weekend. Following is the latest report from Fiji

Fiji: (Report from Dennis) “Fiji is being hit hard by the Delta variant of Covid-19 and sadly, some members of GCI are affected and suffering. The situation in Fiji, as you will have seen, has gone from dire to worse in recent days. Isei Colati, our lead pastor for Fiji, is in regular phone contact with everyone and reports there are currently five families under lockdown with one family having a confirmed Covid case. Those five families under lockdown are being supported with food parcels delivered to their homes. “Early this week Isei conferred with the Fiji board to approve the use of $2,000 for this ongoing member support. It is probable the need will grow as the pandemic spreads even wider but for the moment the members in Fiji are coping well and have more than enough resources to do what is called for amongst our members. They do all, of course, greatly value our prayers for their safety and the resilience of the church as it faces the effects of this pandemic, and whatever doors of opportunity may open before them in the communities where they live.”