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Annual Celebration at Waikanae

Hi there. We had a wonderful Annual Celebration at Waikanae.

Upcoming Events: Next year’s Celebration will be back at El Rancho from Tuesday 29th September (set-up day) until Sunday 4th October.

There will be no Refresher Weekend in February next year because of the Gold Coast conference, which takes place the weekend of 15th-16th February.

GCI Masterton is pleased to announce that they are celebrating their 3rd anniversary this coming Sunday afternoon, 20th October. All are welcome. If further details needed, just let me know.

The Fiji Festival is currently in progress at the Coral Coast Christian Centre, and will finish on Sunday. Bob and Kathy Regazzoli from Australia are visiting this year.

A new issue of "Inside Life" is currently at the PMP Press in Christchurch, and will be distributed in the next couple of weeks.

Vanuatu: I was speaking with William Davies today and he said both Carmen and he have now recovered their good health, and Carmen wants to pass on her thanks for our prayers for her recent illness. William will be visiting the Rory church next weekend.

At a meeting held at Waikanae during the Festival period, the Board agreed to rebuild the Guest House at Rory, which is badly in need of repair following earthquake, cyclone and termite damage. The congregations have all kindly included some money for Vanuatu Outreach in their 2019 budgets, and it was agreed we should use these funds, which should cover the bulk of the cost. Thank you very much for your support of the Vanuatu church in this way.

Hamilton: Last weekend the Hamilton small group visited Jo and Hone Gerrard in Tokoroa and had their meeting there. David and Marilyn Wong noted: “Although impeded from travelling due to severe health problems, Jo still retains her sense of humour and relies on God’s words and promises to keep her going.”

Prayer Request: Received from Phil Baldwin on 8th October:

I had an email message from Margaret Hammond today after she and Sandra Joy had been to see Jan Visker in Burwood Hospital. Apparently she isn’t progressing as well as was expected, so it is not clear how long she will be there for therapy and rehab. Margaret says that Jan is in good spirits, but still experiencing pain in the knee that was injured when she fell recently, and she is presently unable to stand. Please pray with thanks for the care she is receiving, and for healing and relief from pain.

I’ve just heard today (17th) from Margaret that Jan is still in hospital, and not really progressing at the moment, so the Christchurch small group will be meeting at Margaret’s house rather than Jan’s this weekend. Jan still needs and appreciates our ongoing prayers for her recovery.

That’s it for this time. Warm regards to all, Rex

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